And that is exactly what I have been doing. Yes, in my fort. And no, you can't come in.
This is one of my earliest conquest.

Johanna Basford's colouring books are awesome and a bit on the expensive side, but as I happily discovered (because it means I really got my money's worth), for good reason. The drawings are amazingly detailed and the paper quality is exceptional. I know this because I decided to semi soak a page in water to try to get a colour pencil water effect. It did not really achieve the effect I wanted (because i did not use one of those soluble colour pencils meant for this, duh), but I happy to report that it did make for a funky background to the picture and the water did not ruin the picture of the back of the page.

I've even put a magic marker to the pages and it did not seep onto the other side :)
My family members have come onboard the colouring book trend (they all have their own forts) and we have a sorta colouring competition league going on now. It take me days and days to complete one of those mandala-esque pictures but I love how colours totally changes the entire drawing completely.