This is a shout out to the folks at Free Tree Society who organised the free tree giveaway yesterday in conjunction with the International Day of Climate Action.

It was our first visit to the FTS Nursery in Bangsar and I was delighted to find how well maintained the place is and how friendly everyone was. We arrived slightly before 9am and there were already so many people there.

The giveaways were nicely arranged by fruiting trees, shrubs, herbs, flowering plants, big plants. There was also an all-you-can-carry section outside with more goodies. Between the three of us, we happily walked away with a lemon tree, an avocado tree, a sawtooth coriander plant, a double petal blue pea plant, a spearmint plant, a cat's whiskers plant, an aloe vera plant, a curry plant and a few of those mother-in-law plants which we were told were great air purifiers to combat against this terrible haze that's going on.

I got to go back to FTS Nursery. One of those days when there are not so many people and I can spend more time appreciating all the awesome work these people are doing. Even in the little time I spent there yesterday, I learnt so much. I have some great additions to my garden now. Looking forward to more of such events. To the folks at FTS, keep up the great work!
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