Came home after one of those kinda days at work. It was late and dark and hazy but I just had to immerse myself in nature for just a little while, you know what I mean? I stand there among my pots of greens. I give them a little water. I tuck a couple of loose vines. And sigh.
And what does my garden give me back? I see a few bunga telang flowers smiling at me. And a few sprigs of mint too. And I know. Tea. I shall make fresh tea.

I try not to take more from my garden than what I need. So I harvested just enough to make one cup of light blue mint tea. I used two flowers and one full sprig of mint. Making fresh tea is both easy and therapeutic. The fragrance released by the mint the moment I poured in the hot water was amazing!
And so I settle for the evening, relaxed and inspired. Everything they say about consuming things you grow yourself is true. The tea was aromatic and sweet, I did not even need to add sugar! There is also the satisfaction of knowing for sure that this tea is completely organic and has no pesticides or chemical enhancers.
Just the goodness of nature in a cup. Ahhh.
A cuppa soon?